No-Cost EMI
What is No-Cost EMI?
No-Cost EMI is a financing scheme offereed by Merchants for Retailers by which you pay the price of the product in equated monthly installments.
How does it work?
Generally, there are 3 parties involved in the transaction, the Manufacturer / Retailer, Bank and the Consumer / Customer.
"One thing we need to understand that neither Manufacturer nor bank, are charitable organisations. They are in the business to make profits."
In the case of No-Cost EMI, the Manufacturer offers a discount that is equivalent to the interest cost (but not to the Consumer / Customer).
Particulars EMI Next Month
Price of I-Phone 80000
EMI Tenure 6 Months
Bank pays to Manufacturer Rs. 76,835
discount given by Mfg. to Bank Rs. 3165
Advance EMI Rs. 13,333
Pending EMIs Rs. 13,333 x 5 = 66,665
Profit earned by Bank Rs. 3165
Annual % of profit earned by Bank (IRR) = 20%
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